The Miracles Can Happen by Freddie Blondet
In a humble apartment in Puerto Rico lives Progress, with his brother Mentality and his mother Sacrifice. Progress was well independent and reserved. For his mother, Progress was a great miracle of God, since this one had been born with a cardiac condition which, at that time, did not appear in the medical books. Progress was born with an obstruction in the aortic and in the mitral valve, in addition to two blows in the heart. For this condition, Progress was operated on fifteen days later of being born. Progress survives this operation, becoming a miracle of God for his mother. And for this reason she always had in mind, that someday her son was going to be someone important in the world.
Doctors, my son is purple, why
do they not take care of him? -said Sacrifice. We are very busy, and there are
no cardiologists or surgeons to operate at this time since everyone are in
trip, in addition there are more important cases than her son, since surely he
will not pass of today - answered one of the doctors. Really the doctors in
this hospital are abusers, who judge by nationality, but maybe I am a
Dominican. But this child is the son of a Puerto Rican and that Puerto Rican is
a prosecutor, so the hospital will take care of my son or they will be involved
in a very serious problem. - said Sacrifice
At the moment that Sacrifice
said these words, all the hospital team began to mobilize, the doctors making
calls and began to attend and take care of Progress in an exceptional way. That
is, from the moment his mother Sacrifice used force through persuasion to
mention that Progress's father was a prosecutor, doctors, surgeons and all the
tools to save the life of the little Progress appeared. Progress's life goes
like the life of any boy of his age, fighting with his brother Mentality and
hearing the screams of his mother Sacrifice, with the difference that Progress,
was of those people who had a head full of ideas and was anxious to put them ongoing.
The doctors said that he will grow with limitations. And for sure, he will be a
weak and skinny boy without musculity for his condition; but all was contrary
to the doctors said.
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