jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Reflection of the Conference Autobiographical Moments by Freddie Blondet

Reflection of the Conference Autobiographical Moments 

The conference of Autobiographical Moments was productive to me like student, because taught me different tools that I can use to be organized in my academic life. These tools are the Venn Diagram, the Cluster Work and the Timeline. The Venn Diagram is an illustration that utilizes circles overlapping each other, with the purpose to denote the similarities and differences between knowledge, ideas or something that you want to compare. In the case of the speakers they used the Venn Diagram to compare themselves with their ancestors. The Cluster Work is a prewriting technique in which you can write freely doing connections between the goals that you have and the things that you need to do to achieve these goals. Is like a network in which all the connections are associated or related, either between your ideas or between something important to you. The timeline is a schedule of important events or activities that are organized in the order, that will be realized the activities. It is like agenda write in a straight line in which you can see step by step the things that you need to do or you can use the same to evaluate your work to see if you are doing good or if you need better.
For me the timeline was the more important tool because help you more than the others when you are going to do a research, or for the preparation for a test; and is the more difficult tool to prepare because during their preparation can suffer so much changes. I said that this is the best tool of others because the timeline give you the opportunity to anticipate to the events, to calculate how much time you have and to help you to be more prepared for the events because every day you see how much days you have before the event or activity. Also the timeline can help you to include things in the schedule that you in the beginning did not consider and permit you to use efficiently your time with a clear knowledge of what happen if you do not follow the timeline; give you the chance to think what you can do to catch up the lost time. This presentation, in this moments of my life, fell like a ring to the finger. Because in this moments I will use this tool to prepare myself to the MCAT. Therefore, in this I learn so much, because I know the concept of what is a timeline but never past to my mind that I can use this tool to do the best possible schedule to study for the MCAT. Furthermore, I learn what is a Cluster work that is too useful to do my own review of the test, and that is so great.


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