jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Summary of my part of the Book 3: The Plantation by Freddie Blondet

Summary of my part of the Book 3: The Plantation by Freddie Blondet


Samson was the first sub chapter of the mentioned book. This chapter is about the experience of Miss Jane Pittmann in the plantation of the Samson’s family. The chapter began with an explanation of the reason about why? Miss Jane went to the plantation of Samson’s family. This reason was to be close to the tomb of Ned, to put flowers to him. The first memory that Jane narrows is how was Toby Lewis? This man was, according to Jane, the best workman in all the plantation cutting and loading cane. Later of that, Jane explained the worse experience that she saw in the field of the Samson’s Plantation. This experience occurred when Tom Joe started beating Black Harriet that was the queen of the plantation, because she can pick cotton and cut more cane that any woman or man except for Toby Lewis (Gaines 137). Tom Joe was beating her, because that day she did not do a good work. The reason of this bad work, was the competence between her and Katie to be the queen, and despite winning she started to leave grass without cut to did faster her work to do not lose the mentioned competence. Once Tom Joe started to beating her, Grace tried to protect Harriet and then “Bessie ran down there with the hoe and threatened to chop his head off” (Gaines 139). Later of this success “the Samson didn’t do a thing to Tom Joe, but they fired Katie. And they told Bessie she had to leave the place. Bessie she had a house full of children, but still she had to go. They told her if she didn’t have so many children they would a put her in jail for threatening Tom Joe” (Gaines 139).

The Travels of Miss Jane Pittman
This chapter start when Miss Jane decides to join the church, twelve or thirteen years after Ned’s death, because Jane finally understand that she did not have nothing else in the world that just God; and for that she decide to serve to him. For this reason, Jane tell to us how was their join to the church, and all started when one day Grace came up to Jane, and tell her I am going to join to the church. And Jane said to her “Grace, you don’t know the times I been thinking about doing just that; give me a week or two, time to think” (Gaines, 141). Later of this Jane started to pray harder all the days, until one Thursday in the morning Jane was in the field when God freed her of the big load in her shoulders making her feel light. That’s night Jane told about her vision of God that permitted her feel light. Jane said that she had a load of bricks on her shoulders and she wanted to drop it, but she could not let go of the sack. In that moment, a white man with long yellow hair came up to Jane and said, jane, you want to get rid of that load? And She said indeed (Gaines 143). This man tells her, to get rid of that load forever, she must take it and cross yon river; and when Jane looked where he was pointing, he disappeared (Gaines 143). For this reason, Jane in her vision started to travel with the sack of bricks toward the river. Then a man appears and offers to take her sack. Jane declines his offer and told him, that the white man told her cross the river with the sack. And then this man turned into Ned, and said her, give me the sack mama. But Jane discover that this man was not Ned and for that Jane keep going. Later of this appear Joe Pittman and finally Albert Cluveau, and both ask for the sack. Jane will not yield, and once Jane cross the river, she sees the savior and he tell her that she born again, and that was her travel to achieve the religion.

Two Brothers of the South
This chapter is about the two half-brothers, sons of Robert Samson the owner of the plantation. Timmy was nigger and Tee Bob was white, and everyone in the plantation knows that Timmy is Robert's son. Although Timmy is black, he was more like his father than Tee Bob ever would be. Although of that, there was racial discrimination against Timmy because no matter what happened he never could leave Tee Bob behind him, when they were riding horses; although Timmy has the faster horse of all the plantation called Hurricane. For Tee Bob, his brother Timmy was his best friend, and for that spend a lot time together. One day Miss Amma Dean, was the wife of Robert Samson, wanted punish Timmy for let Miss Jane ride a horse around the plantation with him and Tee Bob. She tried pretty bad Timmy just for be black, and although of this Timmy respected like he had to respect every white lady or white man. Not long after that happened Timmy and Tee Bob was riding, and the horse of Tee Bob throwed him. Cause of that Tee Bob broke his arm. When this happen, Timmy brought his brother to the house and Tom Joe carried him to the house himself, then he came back and asked Timmy what happened. Timmy told him, and he knocked Timmy down (Gaines 152). Later of this Tom Joe strucks Timmy, severely with the pole of Albert’s hand. He struck him leaving him bloodied and unconscious, despite the screams and threats of Miss Amma Dean; because his hatred was too deep to stop. After this beating Tom Joe throwed the pole to the side and walked away. When Robert arrive home that night, his wife said what had happened, and said that Tom Joe should be fired and put in jail but Robert did not do any of this. A few days later Robert Samson give money to Timmy, sent him away without let him say good bye to his brother Tee Bob. Finally Robert does nothing to Tom Joe. Cause of that, Tee Bob, cannot understand why his brother had to leave the home after Tom Joe had beat him with a pole (Gaines 154). Later of that, Tee Bob killed himself before he finds out how he was supposed to live. But in the four book we understand the real cause or reason of his death and how happen. 

Work Cited:

Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.

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