jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Comparative personal reflection between the movie and the novel of Miss Jane Pittmann by Freddie Blondet

         Comparative personal reflection between the movie and the novel of Miss Jane Pittmann 
by Freddie Blondet

The movie is a good representation about the novel. But like all the movies of a novel lacks details and exactitude about how pass the things. The movie started when Jimmy Aaron a fighter for the civil rights, known by Jane visit her in her birthday, and ask her that if she could accompany him to a march in the court. Because she can be a good inspiration for the other niggers but she said that she was too old and for that refuse his request. Later of this the movie started from the beginning of the novel in her introduction when the white man was trying to get Miss Jane to she tells him the story of his life because she was the only slave that was alive. 
            The lack of details of the movie started to be seeing from the scene of the first chapter titled “Soldiers” that in the movie was a good representation of the novel chapter but did not have all the details and the chronological events that happen in the novel. I said this because when the soldiers of the Secesh Army come the mistress, like in the novel, did not invite them to come in to the house and give them water and bread. In place of that, in the movie she just invites them water, and for to the captain invite wine of brandy that is a thing that did not happen in the novel. Furthermore, the movie did not show us like the novel the hate that have the soldiers of Secesh army to the niggers permitting that their ignorance, without fundament, take control of their racist expressions. We can see that when one of the soldiers said in the novel but not in the movie “we the nobles, not them. God put us here to live the way we want live, that’s in the bible and he put niggers here to see us living that way that’s in the bible too” (Gaines 4). In addition when the Secesh Army get out, and the Yankee soldiers arrive, in the movie they first talk to the Mistress of Jane and later with Ticey. But in the novel, they first talk to Ticey when the Yankee soldier Mr. Brown, changed the name of Ticey (slave name) to Miss Jane Brown and said that when she gets older she can change it for another name that she like (Gaines 8). But in the movie nor this dialogue was like this.
            The more disappointment thing that occur in this chapter titled “Soldiers” that not permit me continue see the movie, for their poverty of details, was the elimination of the scene of the repercussions for Jane wants to maintain her new name that cause severe punish to her.  Because as a product of her strong will to maintain her new name, and the belief of superiority of her Mistress, promoting that Miss Jane received whiplashes for part of her Mistress, and finally was sent to the field the same day when she meets Mr. Brown (Gaines 9).
Work Cited:
-Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.
-The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, movie 

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