jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Reflection of the Conference Autobiographical Moments by Freddie Blondet

Reflection of the Conference Autobiographical Moments 

The conference of Autobiographical Moments was productive to me like student, because taught me different tools that I can use to be organized in my academic life. These tools are the Venn Diagram, the Cluster Work and the Timeline. The Venn Diagram is an illustration that utilizes circles overlapping each other, with the purpose to denote the similarities and differences between knowledge, ideas or something that you want to compare. In the case of the speakers they used the Venn Diagram to compare themselves with their ancestors. The Cluster Work is a prewriting technique in which you can write freely doing connections between the goals that you have and the things that you need to do to achieve these goals. Is like a network in which all the connections are associated or related, either between your ideas or between something important to you. The timeline is a schedule of important events or activities that are organized in the order, that will be realized the activities. It is like agenda write in a straight line in which you can see step by step the things that you need to do or you can use the same to evaluate your work to see if you are doing good or if you need better.
For me the timeline was the more important tool because help you more than the others when you are going to do a research, or for the preparation for a test; and is the more difficult tool to prepare because during their preparation can suffer so much changes. I said that this is the best tool of others because the timeline give you the opportunity to anticipate to the events, to calculate how much time you have and to help you to be more prepared for the events because every day you see how much days you have before the event or activity. Also the timeline can help you to include things in the schedule that you in the beginning did not consider and permit you to use efficiently your time with a clear knowledge of what happen if you do not follow the timeline; give you the chance to think what you can do to catch up the lost time. This presentation, in this moments of my life, fell like a ring to the finger. Because in this moments I will use this tool to prepare myself to the MCAT. Therefore, in this I learn so much, because I know the concept of what is a timeline but never past to my mind that I can use this tool to do the best possible schedule to study for the MCAT. Furthermore, I learn what is a Cluster work that is too useful to do my own review of the test, and that is so great.


Summary of my part of the Book 3: The Plantation by Freddie Blondet

Summary of my part of the Book 3: The Plantation by Freddie Blondet


Samson was the first sub chapter of the mentioned book. This chapter is about the experience of Miss Jane Pittmann in the plantation of the Samson’s family. The chapter began with an explanation of the reason about why? Miss Jane went to the plantation of Samson’s family. This reason was to be close to the tomb of Ned, to put flowers to him. The first memory that Jane narrows is how was Toby Lewis? This man was, according to Jane, the best workman in all the plantation cutting and loading cane. Later of that, Jane explained the worse experience that she saw in the field of the Samson’s Plantation. This experience occurred when Tom Joe started beating Black Harriet that was the queen of the plantation, because she can pick cotton and cut more cane that any woman or man except for Toby Lewis (Gaines 137). Tom Joe was beating her, because that day she did not do a good work. The reason of this bad work, was the competence between her and Katie to be the queen, and despite winning she started to leave grass without cut to did faster her work to do not lose the mentioned competence. Once Tom Joe started to beating her, Grace tried to protect Harriet and then “Bessie ran down there with the hoe and threatened to chop his head off” (Gaines 139). Later of this success “the Samson didn’t do a thing to Tom Joe, but they fired Katie. And they told Bessie she had to leave the place. Bessie she had a house full of children, but still she had to go. They told her if she didn’t have so many children they would a put her in jail for threatening Tom Joe” (Gaines 139).

The Travels of Miss Jane Pittman
This chapter start when Miss Jane decides to join the church, twelve or thirteen years after Ned’s death, because Jane finally understand that she did not have nothing else in the world that just God; and for that she decide to serve to him. For this reason, Jane tell to us how was their join to the church, and all started when one day Grace came up to Jane, and tell her I am going to join to the church. And Jane said to her “Grace, you don’t know the times I been thinking about doing just that; give me a week or two, time to think” (Gaines, 141). Later of this Jane started to pray harder all the days, until one Thursday in the morning Jane was in the field when God freed her of the big load in her shoulders making her feel light. That’s night Jane told about her vision of God that permitted her feel light. Jane said that she had a load of bricks on her shoulders and she wanted to drop it, but she could not let go of the sack. In that moment, a white man with long yellow hair came up to Jane and said, jane, you want to get rid of that load? And She said indeed (Gaines 143). This man tells her, to get rid of that load forever, she must take it and cross yon river; and when Jane looked where he was pointing, he disappeared (Gaines 143). For this reason, Jane in her vision started to travel with the sack of bricks toward the river. Then a man appears and offers to take her sack. Jane declines his offer and told him, that the white man told her cross the river with the sack. And then this man turned into Ned, and said her, give me the sack mama. But Jane discover that this man was not Ned and for that Jane keep going. Later of this appear Joe Pittman and finally Albert Cluveau, and both ask for the sack. Jane will not yield, and once Jane cross the river, she sees the savior and he tell her that she born again, and that was her travel to achieve the religion.

Two Brothers of the South
This chapter is about the two half-brothers, sons of Robert Samson the owner of the plantation. Timmy was nigger and Tee Bob was white, and everyone in the plantation knows that Timmy is Robert's son. Although Timmy is black, he was more like his father than Tee Bob ever would be. Although of that, there was racial discrimination against Timmy because no matter what happened he never could leave Tee Bob behind him, when they were riding horses; although Timmy has the faster horse of all the plantation called Hurricane. For Tee Bob, his brother Timmy was his best friend, and for that spend a lot time together. One day Miss Amma Dean, was the wife of Robert Samson, wanted punish Timmy for let Miss Jane ride a horse around the plantation with him and Tee Bob. She tried pretty bad Timmy just for be black, and although of this Timmy respected like he had to respect every white lady or white man. Not long after that happened Timmy and Tee Bob was riding, and the horse of Tee Bob throwed him. Cause of that Tee Bob broke his arm. When this happen, Timmy brought his brother to the house and Tom Joe carried him to the house himself, then he came back and asked Timmy what happened. Timmy told him, and he knocked Timmy down (Gaines 152). Later of this Tom Joe strucks Timmy, severely with the pole of Albert’s hand. He struck him leaving him bloodied and unconscious, despite the screams and threats of Miss Amma Dean; because his hatred was too deep to stop. After this beating Tom Joe throwed the pole to the side and walked away. When Robert arrive home that night, his wife said what had happened, and said that Tom Joe should be fired and put in jail but Robert did not do any of this. A few days later Robert Samson give money to Timmy, sent him away without let him say good bye to his brother Tee Bob. Finally Robert does nothing to Tom Joe. Cause of that, Tee Bob, cannot understand why his brother had to leave the home after Tom Joe had beat him with a pole (Gaines 154). Later of that, Tee Bob killed himself before he finds out how he was supposed to live. But in the four book we understand the real cause or reason of his death and how happen. 

Work Cited:

Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.

Comparative personal reflection between the movie and the novel of Miss Jane Pittmann by Freddie Blondet

         Comparative personal reflection between the movie and the novel of Miss Jane Pittmann 
by Freddie Blondet

The movie is a good representation about the novel. But like all the movies of a novel lacks details and exactitude about how pass the things. The movie started when Jimmy Aaron a fighter for the civil rights, known by Jane visit her in her birthday, and ask her that if she could accompany him to a march in the court. Because she can be a good inspiration for the other niggers but she said that she was too old and for that refuse his request. Later of this the movie started from the beginning of the novel in her introduction when the white man was trying to get Miss Jane to she tells him the story of his life because she was the only slave that was alive. 
            The lack of details of the movie started to be seeing from the scene of the first chapter titled “Soldiers” that in the movie was a good representation of the novel chapter but did not have all the details and the chronological events that happen in the novel. I said this because when the soldiers of the Secesh Army come the mistress, like in the novel, did not invite them to come in to the house and give them water and bread. In place of that, in the movie she just invites them water, and for to the captain invite wine of brandy that is a thing that did not happen in the novel. Furthermore, the movie did not show us like the novel the hate that have the soldiers of Secesh army to the niggers permitting that their ignorance, without fundament, take control of their racist expressions. We can see that when one of the soldiers said in the novel but not in the movie “we the nobles, not them. God put us here to live the way we want live, that’s in the bible and he put niggers here to see us living that way that’s in the bible too” (Gaines 4). In addition when the Secesh Army get out, and the Yankee soldiers arrive, in the movie they first talk to the Mistress of Jane and later with Ticey. But in the novel, they first talk to Ticey when the Yankee soldier Mr. Brown, changed the name of Ticey (slave name) to Miss Jane Brown and said that when she gets older she can change it for another name that she like (Gaines 8). But in the movie nor this dialogue was like this.
            The more disappointment thing that occur in this chapter titled “Soldiers” that not permit me continue see the movie, for their poverty of details, was the elimination of the scene of the repercussions for Jane wants to maintain her new name that cause severe punish to her.  Because as a product of her strong will to maintain her new name, and the belief of superiority of her Mistress, promoting that Miss Jane received whiplashes for part of her Mistress, and finally was sent to the field the same day when she meets Mr. Brown (Gaines 9).
Work Cited:
-Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.
-The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, movie 

The Quarters: Reflection by Freddie Blondet

The Quarters is the four and last book of the autobiography of miss Jane Pittman. The quarters are the place where the other blacks live and Jane want to move back there, later of the death of Tee Bob. This book start later of the suicide of Tee Bob, in book three, cause of his impossible love with Mary Agnes because she was a nigger. So, the book four is about the changes that occur in the plantation later o the death of Tee Bob; first Jane move to the quarters, Robert Samson has leased his land mostly to Cajuns and the rest for colored people out the quarters (Gaines 218).
The book four focus their attention on Jimmy Aaron from the beginning because start with the phrase “People’s always looking for somebody to come lead them” (Gaines 211). This phrase show us the desire of the people to find his savor, and this savor was Jimmy, because the elders on the Samson plantation prepare him to be a strong leader with high feeling of compression of others. All in the Samson plantation and all the colored people over the parish wanted that Jimmy becomes in the one. For these reason everyone in the plantation did all that they can to help Jimmy in his studies.
Jimmy was an example man, and when he grow up he was like Ned and for that he was assassinated too. Jimmy has good oratory and was partner of protest of Martin Luther King. So Jimmy fought and protest for the civil rights of the black people and for believe in this was assassinated (Gaines 259). So, in this world and novel we can see the reality that occur in this time in where you cannot think different of the ideals of the state if you want conserved your life. But thanks to this people and his death exist a better world that need change to achieve more equality. 

Work Cited:

Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.

The Plantation: Reflection by Freddie Blondet

The Plantation is the book three of the autobiography of miss Jane Pittman. This book show us the cruelty, the mistreatment, the abuse, the brutality and the inhumanity that were common in the plantation and continued even later of the freedom of all the slave. Example of this occurred in the competition between Harriet and Katie (two slave) in where the winner would be the one that collected more grass and cotton; and how the grass slowed Harriet she started to leaving grass behind while Grace caught all the grass that Harriet left behind. For this reason, Tom Joe hollored her, and how she did not responses him hollored he went down and started to beating her with the bridle reins, later he started beating Grace because she was trying to protect Harriet and then “Bessie ran down there with the hoe and threatened to chop his head off” (Gaines 139). Later of this success “the Samson didn’t do a thing to Tom Joe, but they fired Katie. And they told Bessie she had to leave the place. Bessie she had a house full of children, but still she had to go. They told her if she didn’t have so many children they would a put her in jail for threatening Tom Joe” (Gaines 139).
These events are too cruel and unjust, because do not do good her job is not reason to be punished physically like in the slavery times. Would have been better, scolding her face-to-face, ordering her to correct all her faults, if she wanted to continue working there. But the fact of hitting her with a desire to kill her shows how the brutalities that occurred in slavery continue to occur. And the fact that nothing has been done to Tom Joe shows the racism on the part of the owners of the plantation that instead of protecting their employees, giving them the same rights, so that they prosecute criminally or punish in some way Abusive Tom Joe; Instead of doing justice, they do not do anything to this abuser, and they dismiss to the victim Katie and its defender Bessie.
            Tom Joe was a racist cruel man with complex of superiority over the niggers that makes him enjoy punish, beat and abuse of any nigger. This man is the representation of the evil because he hated all the niggers just for have a different skin color, he is like any white racist man that leads her hate to action. This class of people should not be exist because uses her authority to take control over others. I do not know who is worse this man, or the men that do not do anything for punish the actions of the people like that. Because the Samson do not do anything to protects their niggers employees nor the son of mister Samson, Timmy that was a black man that was beating by Tom Joe. And Tom Joe for this action was not taken to jail. Because according to Mr. Samson “you pinned medals on a white man when he beat a nigger for drawing back his hand” (Gaines 153). What is worse Tom Joe or Samson? Is a very subjective question that can have variety of answers but for me both are too bad.

Work Cited:

Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.

Reconstruction: Reflection by Freddie Blondet

The book two Reconstruction of the autobiography of miss Jane Pittman show us how the ideals of equality and freedom cause the separation of Jane and Ned, making them take different paths in where they grew, marry, re-meet and by those same ideals Ned was persecuted and assassinated. Ned was a typical Martin Luther King, because he teached and fought for the political rights and for the freedom of the black people. Like product of this ideals and his good rhetoric to express the same, did that the local whites disagree this conduct and conspiracy between them hire Albert Cluveau to kill Ned like he does (Gaines 121).
Ned for this liberal’s ideals was persecuted from he was an adolescent that form part of an organized committee that helps colored people, that was treated bad like slave, leave the place to go to New Orleans. For this reasons Colonel Dye (plantation owner) warns Jane that Ned must be stopped, but Ned will not want stop. Product of that, did that one night when Ned was working in the committee, Ku Klux Klan members arrive at Jane's house to kill him I think because this group frequently beat and kill blacks people. So, thanks to God Ned is not home when they come and can flee the plantation later that night. Jane does not want to leave her secure life in the plantation, so they separate with sadness (Gaines 76-79).    

Examples of the good rhetoric of Ned, that creates fear in the white people, can be read when Ned said “This earth is yours and don’t let that man out there take it from you. It’s yours because your people’s bones lay in it; it’s yours because their sweet and their blood done drenched this earth. The white man will use every trick in the trade to take it from you” (Gaines 112).  Expressions like this did that he was persecuted and finally assassinated. For these explanations I see Ned like a Martin Luther King because it is a black man that fought for the rights of his people without matter the consequences because he know that one they he will be assassinated for the whites people (Gaines 113). 

Work Cited:

Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.

The War Years: Reflection by Freddie Blondet

The book one, The War Years of the autobiography of miss Jane Pittman is a great book with too strong content; and teach us how difficult and cruel was the life of miss Jane Pittman from their years like a little girl when she was a slave named Ticey and was 10 or 11 years old. This book present to us the begin of her life and the obstacle that she starts to affront since she changed her name to Jane Brown, and since she acquired her freedom. The difficulties that miss Jane pass, in this first book, are experience that can traumatize any person without take in count their age. How much racism and amiability she received from white people?
In the first sub chapter of the book one, titled “Soldiers” we can see how the soldiers of Secesh army hate the niggers permitting that their ignorance, without fundament, take control of their racist expressions. We can see that when one of the soldiers said “we the nobles, not them. God put us here to live the way we want live, that’s in the bible and he put niggers here to see us living that way that’s in the bible too” (Gaines 4). In this sub chapter we can see amiability too, for part of the Yankee soldier Mr. Brown, when he changed the name of Ticey (slave name) to miss Jane Brown and said that when she get older she can change it for other name that she like (Gaines 8). This event brought repercussions against Jane, because as a product of her strong will to maintain her new name, and the belief of superiority of her mistress, promoting that miss Jane received whiplashes and was sent to the field (Gaines 9).

The sub chapter more traumatic of the life of miss Jane that exemplifies the genocidal racism is titled “Massacre”. In this sub chapter, all the slave that leave the plantation with Jane were massacred and assassinated for the patrollers and soldiers of the Secesh army who made up the Ku Klux Klans later on. That is impact because upon a time the slave receive their freedom and decided to live and found a place, they will hunt the black people because they hate them for their skin color; these racist people kill without any justify reason just for fun and for not permit that a slave live their new free lives. The massacre was too strong they don’t forgive the life of anyone nor little baby of big Laura (Jane caregiver); for miracle miss Jane and Ned (son of big Laura) survived. This experience was so traumatic, anyone who lives something like this can have psychological problems in the future and more if it is a child, like miss Jane and Ned. 

Work Cited:
Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.

The Miracles Can Happen by Freddie Blondet

The Miracles Can Happen by Freddie Blondet

In a humble apartment in Puerto Rico lives Progress, with his brother Mentality and his mother Sacrifice. Progress was well independent and reserved. For his mother, Progress was a great miracle of God, since this one had been born with a cardiac condition which, at that time, did not appear in the medical books. Progress was born with an obstruction in the aortic and in the mitral valve, in addition to two blows in the heart. For this condition, Progress was operated on fifteen days later of being born. Progress survives this operation, becoming a miracle of God for his mother. And for this reason she always had in mind, that someday her son was going to be someone important in the world.
Doctors, my son is purple, why do they not take care of him? -said Sacrifice. We are very busy, and there are no cardiologists or surgeons to operate at this time since everyone are in trip, in addition there are more important cases than her son, since surely he will not pass of today - answered one of the doctors. Really the doctors in this hospital are abusers, who judge by nationality, but maybe I am a Dominican. But this child is the son of a Puerto Rican and that Puerto Rican is a prosecutor, so the hospital will take care of my son or they will be involved in a very serious problem. - said Sacrifice
At the moment that Sacrifice said these words, all the hospital team began to mobilize, the doctors making calls and began to attend and take care of Progress in an exceptional way. That is, from the moment his mother Sacrifice used force through persuasion to mention that Progress's father was a prosecutor, doctors, surgeons and all the tools to save the life of the little Progress appeared. Progress's life goes like the life of any boy of his age, fighting with his brother Mentality and hearing the screams of his mother Sacrifice, with the difference that Progress, was of those people who had a head full of ideas and was anxious to put them ongoing. The doctors said that he will grow with limitations. And for sure, he will be a weak and skinny boy without musculity for his condition; but all was contrary to the doctors said.