viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

Multigenre Reflection by Freddie Blondet

Multigenre Reflection by Freddie Blondet

All my multigenre entries are about the novel of the autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. Therefore, all are focused in the institution of the slavery; in which the black people was considered property without rights and without control over their life. I decided to do ten different Multigenres entries, like a challenge to myself. I did a personal letter of Miss Jane, a timeline of slavery in the United States, Schedule about all the things that I did, and need to completate about the novel of Miss Jane, a power point representation of my part, a journal entry about the slavery present in the novel of Miss Jane, a comic strip of a scene that was not present in the movie of Miss Jane, a cluster of Miss Jane, a Venn Diagram about slaves and their masters, a poem of slavery and a collage of the slavery of today, that apply to all the races, ethnics and all different colors of skin.

Of these Multigenres, I enjoyed make, more than any other, the collage. Because this is about the slavery of today; that does not exist legally but prevails. Because the capitalist system permit that workers work during their functional days of life (30 years) and then, they are thrown away. Furthermore, the advance of technology does that less workers are needed to work; doing that every day increases the unemployment more and more. This reality affects the life of great percent of families that fall in poverty without money or work to sustain their own families; causing that this families become in dependents of the state.

Because of this, today most of the people are slaves of work, addicted to gain money; which carry them to concentrate all their energies in this goal since no one want to be poor. The money is important but is not the most important thing that exist in this world. Because there is so much people in the world, that have more money than the money they need to live; but despite of that they could be very unhappy.

The happiness is not something that can be bought, or found. Happiness is something that everyone constructs every day; either doing the things that make you feel good, or share with your friends, or completing your goals, or dedicating your life to discover your own soul through meditation. The recipe of the happiness is individually for everyone. Because everyone of us has their own ways to construct their life. Therefore, any persona can create their own way to achieve their happiness, which is full of smiles, joy, cheerfulness, pleasure, satisfaction and complacency. But the goal of making money, not always will conduct you to the happiness that you really need because following this goal can transform you in a slave of work.

Blog reflection by Freddie Blondet

Blog reflection by Freddie Blondet

When you come to feel proud about yourself and the things that you did, you come to learn live in freedom. For that, is very important to be the arquitect of your own life; creating the best future that you can imagine. For this reason, is very important to learn new things every day; to improve yourself learning things that you don’t know. But, what means feel proud about yourself and about the life that you carry? In first instance, you can say that to feel proud about something, it is necessary to have gained that thing for your own efforts. But to feeling proud of oneself, it is necessary more than your own efforts. Because it is necessary to live for all your plans, believing in yourself and in the things that you visualized for your future; and create those things in your future world. That types of feelings and thinking, makes the people become winners. Knowing this, this reflection is going to explain: how to learn and do this blog, got me more close to my goal of learn to think in English.

I always have positive mind, because I believe and trust in me, one hundred percent. For that, no matter the challenge, I will be prepared to affront every defiance that life put to me. Because for me the more important thing is to do your best, no matter how difficult or easy the event is. Like everyone, I have a lot of goals, and one of them is learn to think, write and speak in English. For this reason, every day I work to achieve this goal; and making this blog was one more step to be more close to that goal.

I say this, for various reasons: First when I arrived to the University of Puerto Rico I did not understand anything; not even the questions of the readings in English. But the coupling to my new reality, in which all the books were in English, the pressure of not understanding anything, the good professors of English that I had in my first year (in which I took including English laboratory) and my big desire of overcoming, took me to learn to read and write in English a little bit. Therefore, the constancy of writing in the journal, do reflections and create my blog, help me to correct my grammar errors; principally the creation of the blog. Because its creation, make me take my time revising my documents that I wrote with antelation to rewrite them in the blog. 

Until now I feel comfortable with the advance that I have achieved in my goal to learn English. But still I have so much to learn. And for that I arrived, to the conclusion that to improve myself in this goal is necessary, to put myself, a big challenge. For that reason, I have decided, going to study medicine in the United States. But before to start I will go to live and work one year to this country with the purpose to achieve this goal before to start studying medicine. For this I will continue practicing my English grammar and learning new vocabulary, since this is vital for my other goals and the future that I visualized to me. In conclusion learn of our errors permit us improve to big steps; and this blog help me learning of the grammar errors, that until now, I can detect while I am revising my writings. And this make me feel happy and proud of myself, since every day I will be more close of this goal of learn to speak, write and read English language.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Reflection of My English Class Journal by Freddie Blondet

 My English Journal Reflection by Freddie Blondet

I have acquired experience, learning every day to write better, while I write my journal. Because the continue practice and study of the English language permit to me acquire the sufficient experience to improve my writing while I think in English. I think that this continue practice conduct me, to become in a competent writer. Because the art of write require ability, intelligence, technique and determination that is put in action when you write, without know about what you are going to write; like I do in the journal. So this journal, put all of these in action, giving to me the constant practice that I need to improve my writing skills in English. Because with practice and perseverance, any person could learn to write well; improving their skills learning to select the best word to express their thinking in a clear form. Write is the art of build and put your thinks, feelings and ideas in words.
The world that I live is a world of words, in where we use the words to communicate to others our form of think. In this world exist different languages and for that different forms of communicate the same idea in different dialects. The English, is for me the language more utilizes in the world because is the language of the science and technology. For this reason, to be success today, is very important know express our ideas and thoughts in this language. And this journal for this reason is a good tool to express my ideas and thoughts in a form, every time, more concise, clear and correct. I know that this continue practice will help me in the future to play and important role in the future, giving to me the capacity to communicate with others efficiently.

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Reflection of the Conference Autobiographical Moments by Freddie Blondet

Reflection of the Conference Autobiographical Moments 

The conference of Autobiographical Moments was productive to me like student, because taught me different tools that I can use to be organized in my academic life. These tools are the Venn Diagram, the Cluster Work and the Timeline. The Venn Diagram is an illustration that utilizes circles overlapping each other, with the purpose to denote the similarities and differences between knowledge, ideas or something that you want to compare. In the case of the speakers they used the Venn Diagram to compare themselves with their ancestors. The Cluster Work is a prewriting technique in which you can write freely doing connections between the goals that you have and the things that you need to do to achieve these goals. Is like a network in which all the connections are associated or related, either between your ideas or between something important to you. The timeline is a schedule of important events or activities that are organized in the order, that will be realized the activities. It is like agenda write in a straight line in which you can see step by step the things that you need to do or you can use the same to evaluate your work to see if you are doing good or if you need better.
For me the timeline was the more important tool because help you more than the others when you are going to do a research, or for the preparation for a test; and is the more difficult tool to prepare because during their preparation can suffer so much changes. I said that this is the best tool of others because the timeline give you the opportunity to anticipate to the events, to calculate how much time you have and to help you to be more prepared for the events because every day you see how much days you have before the event or activity. Also the timeline can help you to include things in the schedule that you in the beginning did not consider and permit you to use efficiently your time with a clear knowledge of what happen if you do not follow the timeline; give you the chance to think what you can do to catch up the lost time. This presentation, in this moments of my life, fell like a ring to the finger. Because in this moments I will use this tool to prepare myself to the MCAT. Therefore, in this I learn so much, because I know the concept of what is a timeline but never past to my mind that I can use this tool to do the best possible schedule to study for the MCAT. Furthermore, I learn what is a Cluster work that is too useful to do my own review of the test, and that is so great.


Summary of my part of the Book 3: The Plantation by Freddie Blondet

Summary of my part of the Book 3: The Plantation by Freddie Blondet


Samson was the first sub chapter of the mentioned book. This chapter is about the experience of Miss Jane Pittmann in the plantation of the Samson’s family. The chapter began with an explanation of the reason about why? Miss Jane went to the plantation of Samson’s family. This reason was to be close to the tomb of Ned, to put flowers to him. The first memory that Jane narrows is how was Toby Lewis? This man was, according to Jane, the best workman in all the plantation cutting and loading cane. Later of that, Jane explained the worse experience that she saw in the field of the Samson’s Plantation. This experience occurred when Tom Joe started beating Black Harriet that was the queen of the plantation, because she can pick cotton and cut more cane that any woman or man except for Toby Lewis (Gaines 137). Tom Joe was beating her, because that day she did not do a good work. The reason of this bad work, was the competence between her and Katie to be the queen, and despite winning she started to leave grass without cut to did faster her work to do not lose the mentioned competence. Once Tom Joe started to beating her, Grace tried to protect Harriet and then “Bessie ran down there with the hoe and threatened to chop his head off” (Gaines 139). Later of this success “the Samson didn’t do a thing to Tom Joe, but they fired Katie. And they told Bessie she had to leave the place. Bessie she had a house full of children, but still she had to go. They told her if she didn’t have so many children they would a put her in jail for threatening Tom Joe” (Gaines 139).

The Travels of Miss Jane Pittman
This chapter start when Miss Jane decides to join the church, twelve or thirteen years after Ned’s death, because Jane finally understand that she did not have nothing else in the world that just God; and for that she decide to serve to him. For this reason, Jane tell to us how was their join to the church, and all started when one day Grace came up to Jane, and tell her I am going to join to the church. And Jane said to her “Grace, you don’t know the times I been thinking about doing just that; give me a week or two, time to think” (Gaines, 141). Later of this Jane started to pray harder all the days, until one Thursday in the morning Jane was in the field when God freed her of the big load in her shoulders making her feel light. That’s night Jane told about her vision of God that permitted her feel light. Jane said that she had a load of bricks on her shoulders and she wanted to drop it, but she could not let go of the sack. In that moment, a white man with long yellow hair came up to Jane and said, jane, you want to get rid of that load? And She said indeed (Gaines 143). This man tells her, to get rid of that load forever, she must take it and cross yon river; and when Jane looked where he was pointing, he disappeared (Gaines 143). For this reason, Jane in her vision started to travel with the sack of bricks toward the river. Then a man appears and offers to take her sack. Jane declines his offer and told him, that the white man told her cross the river with the sack. And then this man turned into Ned, and said her, give me the sack mama. But Jane discover that this man was not Ned and for that Jane keep going. Later of this appear Joe Pittman and finally Albert Cluveau, and both ask for the sack. Jane will not yield, and once Jane cross the river, she sees the savior and he tell her that she born again, and that was her travel to achieve the religion.

Two Brothers of the South
This chapter is about the two half-brothers, sons of Robert Samson the owner of the plantation. Timmy was nigger and Tee Bob was white, and everyone in the plantation knows that Timmy is Robert's son. Although Timmy is black, he was more like his father than Tee Bob ever would be. Although of that, there was racial discrimination against Timmy because no matter what happened he never could leave Tee Bob behind him, when they were riding horses; although Timmy has the faster horse of all the plantation called Hurricane. For Tee Bob, his brother Timmy was his best friend, and for that spend a lot time together. One day Miss Amma Dean, was the wife of Robert Samson, wanted punish Timmy for let Miss Jane ride a horse around the plantation with him and Tee Bob. She tried pretty bad Timmy just for be black, and although of this Timmy respected like he had to respect every white lady or white man. Not long after that happened Timmy and Tee Bob was riding, and the horse of Tee Bob throwed him. Cause of that Tee Bob broke his arm. When this happen, Timmy brought his brother to the house and Tom Joe carried him to the house himself, then he came back and asked Timmy what happened. Timmy told him, and he knocked Timmy down (Gaines 152). Later of this Tom Joe strucks Timmy, severely with the pole of Albert’s hand. He struck him leaving him bloodied and unconscious, despite the screams and threats of Miss Amma Dean; because his hatred was too deep to stop. After this beating Tom Joe throwed the pole to the side and walked away. When Robert arrive home that night, his wife said what had happened, and said that Tom Joe should be fired and put in jail but Robert did not do any of this. A few days later Robert Samson give money to Timmy, sent him away without let him say good bye to his brother Tee Bob. Finally Robert does nothing to Tom Joe. Cause of that, Tee Bob, cannot understand why his brother had to leave the home after Tom Joe had beat him with a pole (Gaines 154). Later of that, Tee Bob killed himself before he finds out how he was supposed to live. But in the four book we understand the real cause or reason of his death and how happen. 

Work Cited:

Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.

Comparative personal reflection between the movie and the novel of Miss Jane Pittmann by Freddie Blondet

         Comparative personal reflection between the movie and the novel of Miss Jane Pittmann 
by Freddie Blondet

The movie is a good representation about the novel. But like all the movies of a novel lacks details and exactitude about how pass the things. The movie started when Jimmy Aaron a fighter for the civil rights, known by Jane visit her in her birthday, and ask her that if she could accompany him to a march in the court. Because she can be a good inspiration for the other niggers but she said that she was too old and for that refuse his request. Later of this the movie started from the beginning of the novel in her introduction when the white man was trying to get Miss Jane to she tells him the story of his life because she was the only slave that was alive. 
            The lack of details of the movie started to be seeing from the scene of the first chapter titled “Soldiers” that in the movie was a good representation of the novel chapter but did not have all the details and the chronological events that happen in the novel. I said this because when the soldiers of the Secesh Army come the mistress, like in the novel, did not invite them to come in to the house and give them water and bread. In place of that, in the movie she just invites them water, and for to the captain invite wine of brandy that is a thing that did not happen in the novel. Furthermore, the movie did not show us like the novel the hate that have the soldiers of Secesh army to the niggers permitting that their ignorance, without fundament, take control of their racist expressions. We can see that when one of the soldiers said in the novel but not in the movie “we the nobles, not them. God put us here to live the way we want live, that’s in the bible and he put niggers here to see us living that way that’s in the bible too” (Gaines 4). In addition when the Secesh Army get out, and the Yankee soldiers arrive, in the movie they first talk to the Mistress of Jane and later with Ticey. But in the novel, they first talk to Ticey when the Yankee soldier Mr. Brown, changed the name of Ticey (slave name) to Miss Jane Brown and said that when she gets older she can change it for another name that she like (Gaines 8). But in the movie nor this dialogue was like this.
            The more disappointment thing that occur in this chapter titled “Soldiers” that not permit me continue see the movie, for their poverty of details, was the elimination of the scene of the repercussions for Jane wants to maintain her new name that cause severe punish to her.  Because as a product of her strong will to maintain her new name, and the belief of superiority of her Mistress, promoting that Miss Jane received whiplashes for part of her Mistress, and finally was sent to the field the same day when she meets Mr. Brown (Gaines 9).
Work Cited:
-Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.
-The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, movie 

The Quarters: Reflection by Freddie Blondet

The Quarters is the four and last book of the autobiography of miss Jane Pittman. The quarters are the place where the other blacks live and Jane want to move back there, later of the death of Tee Bob. This book start later of the suicide of Tee Bob, in book three, cause of his impossible love with Mary Agnes because she was a nigger. So, the book four is about the changes that occur in the plantation later o the death of Tee Bob; first Jane move to the quarters, Robert Samson has leased his land mostly to Cajuns and the rest for colored people out the quarters (Gaines 218).
The book four focus their attention on Jimmy Aaron from the beginning because start with the phrase “People’s always looking for somebody to come lead them” (Gaines 211). This phrase show us the desire of the people to find his savor, and this savor was Jimmy, because the elders on the Samson plantation prepare him to be a strong leader with high feeling of compression of others. All in the Samson plantation and all the colored people over the parish wanted that Jimmy becomes in the one. For these reason everyone in the plantation did all that they can to help Jimmy in his studies.
Jimmy was an example man, and when he grow up he was like Ned and for that he was assassinated too. Jimmy has good oratory and was partner of protest of Martin Luther King. So Jimmy fought and protest for the civil rights of the black people and for believe in this was assassinated (Gaines 259). So, in this world and novel we can see the reality that occur in this time in where you cannot think different of the ideals of the state if you want conserved your life. But thanks to this people and his death exist a better world that need change to achieve more equality. 

Work Cited:

Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States: Bantam, 1972.