When you come to feel proud about yourself and the things that you did,
you come to learn live in freedom. For that, is very important to be the
arquitect of your own life; creating the best future that you can imagine. For
this reason, is very important to learn new things every day; to improve
yourself learning things that you don’t know. But, what means feel proud about
yourself and about the life that you carry? In first instance, you can say that
to feel proud about something, it is necessary to have gained that thing for
your own efforts. But to feeling proud of oneself, it is necessary more than
your own efforts. Because it is necessary to live for all your plans, believing
in yourself and in the things that you visualized for your future; and create those
things in your future world. That types of feelings and thinking, makes the
people become winners. Knowing this, this reflection is going to explain: how
to learn and do this blog, got me more close to my goal of learn to think in
I always have positive mind, because I believe and trust in me, one
hundred percent. For that, no matter the challenge, I will be prepared to
affront every defiance that life put to me. Because for me the more important
thing is to do your best, no matter how difficult or easy the event is. Like
everyone, I have a lot of goals, and one of them is learn to think, write and
speak in English. For this reason, every day I work to achieve this goal; and
making this blog was one more step to be more close to that goal.
I say this, for various reasons: First when I arrived to the University
of Puerto Rico I did not understand anything; not even the questions of the
readings in English. But the coupling to my new reality, in which all the books
were in English, the pressure of not understanding anything, the good
professors of English that I had in my first year (in which I took including
English laboratory) and my big desire of overcoming, took me to learn to read
and write in English a little bit. Therefore, the constancy of writing in the
journal, do reflections and create my blog, help me to correct my grammar
errors; principally the creation of the blog. Because its creation, make me
take my time revising my documents that I wrote with antelation to rewrite them
in the blog.
Until now I feel comfortable with the advance that I have achieved in my
goal to learn English. But still I have so much to learn. And for that I
arrived, to the conclusion that to improve myself in this goal is necessary, to
put myself, a big challenge. For that reason, I have decided, going to study
medicine in the United States. But before to start I will go to live and work
one year to this country with the purpose to achieve this goal before to start
studying medicine. For this I will continue practicing my English grammar and
learning new vocabulary, since this is vital for my other goals and the future
that I visualized to me. In conclusion learn of our errors permit us improve to
big steps; and this blog help me learning of the grammar errors, that until
now, I can detect while I am revising my writings. And this make me feel happy
and proud of myself, since every day I will be more close of this goal of learn
to speak, write and read English language.
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